For Families » Safety


Campus safety is the district's top priority. Teachers, support staff, school police services and community organizations work together to prevent, prepare and respond to emergency situations.

To ensure safety and security:

  • Each school's staff review and update an individual Safe School Plan, a state-mandated emergency response plan.

  • School staff participate in regular emergency preparedness and response training.

Alisal USD Integrated Pest Management

It is the goal of Alisal Union School District to implement Integrated Pest Management by focusing on long-term prevention or suppression of pests through accurate pest identification, by frequent monitoring for pest presence, by applying appropriate action levels, and by making the habitat less conducive to pests using sanitation and mechanical and physical controls. Pesticides that are effective will be used in a manner that minimizes risks to people, property, and the environment, and only after other options have been shown ineffective. For a complete copy of our School District Integrated Pest Management Plan, click below.

The Healthy Schools Act of 2000 requires that all schools provide parents or guardians of students with annual written notification of expected pesticide use on school sites. If you'd like to be notified every time we apply a pesticide, please complete and return the form below to your school site.