For Families » Tech Support - Apoyo a las Computadoras

Tech Support - Apoyo a las Computadoras

Student 1:1 Device Technical support

The IT Hotline of Alisal Union School District is no longer in service. If your student is having issues with the chromebook, he or she will need to inform the teachers upon returning to school. Teachers will then create help tickets for the technology services department as they did before. If you currently have a Hotspot in your possession, we ask that you please return it to our technology services office located behind Bardin Elementary School at 425 Bardin Road.

La línea de ayuda del Departamento de Tecnología del distrito escolar Alisal ya no está en servicio. Si su estudiante tiene problemas con su Chromebook, deberá informar a los maestros al regresar a clases. Los maestros llenarán las formas de ayuda para el departamento de servicios de tecnología como lo hacían antes. Si actualmente tiene un aparato de acceso a la internet o Hotspot en su poder, le pedimos que lo devuelva a nuestra oficina de servicios de tecnología ubicada detrás de la Escuela Primaria Bardin en 425 Bardin Road.


The Technology Department will assss the damages, fix the device or replace the device, depending on the damage. Complete the Student 1:1 Device Incident Report and Technology will contact you as soon as possible.

Power Adaptors / Chargers

If a student 1:1 chromebook's  power adaptor / charger is damaged or missing. Complete the Student 1:1 Device technical support and Technology will contact you as soon as possible.


A lost or stolen device should be reported immediately to the Police and the police report brought to the District Office. Complete the Student 1:1 Device Technical support and Technology will contact you as soon as possible.


Families who plan on moving/transferring during the COVID-19 can drop off device(s) can complete the Student 1:1 Device technical support to schedule a drop off.

Student Technology Agreements

Technology Use

Please read the Student Technology Acceptable Use Policy below. Parents and Guardians read and agree to the terms during the online registration process.

Digital Citizenship Pledge

When using technology on and off campus students will abide by the following digital citizenship pledge:

  • I will ensure my child communicates responsibly and kindly with others online.

  • I will ensure my child stands against cyberbullying of myself and others, and informs an employee of the District.

  • I will ensure my child protects their own and others personal and private information online.

  • I will ensure my child gives proper credit when using or referencing the work of others.

  • I will ensure my child visits safe and appropriate websites.

  • I will ensure my child does their best to maintain a positive digital footprint.

  • I will ensure my child uses their District-issued device as an educational tool to prepare them for their future.

  • I will ensure my child follows the AUSD Student Acceptable Use Policy.

Parents and Guardians read and agree to the terms of the pledge during the online registration application.

Media Release

During the current school year, your child’s image/photograph or work may be included in a classroom or school projects that could be used in one of the following ways:

  • Used as a demonstration project/activity in education workshops/classes/conferences

  • Used as a sample project/activity for use in education workshops and student classrooms

  • Posted on the district, the school, or teacher webpages on the Internet

  • Appear on media made during a student presentation, in video broadcasts, or in a project demonstrating computer multimedia in general

Parents and Guardians have read and agree to the terms of the Media Release during the online registration application.

AUSD 1:1 Device Student Acceptable Use Policy

Please read the AUSD 1:1 Device Student Acceptable Use Policy below and answer the below question.

Parents and Guardians will agree that the  child will follow the AUSD 1:1 Device Student Acceptable Use Policy during the online application process.

Student Portal Screenshots

TK and Kinder Support/ Apoyo