Superintendent » Superintendent's Goals

Superintendent's Goals

Goal #1:
Ensure that students be provided with an array of rigorous academic learning experiences, coupled with unique enrichment opportunities.
Performance Objective 1a:
Obtain improved achievement on the state tests for language arts, mathematics and English language development (ELD); and effectively and appropriately communicate results.
Criterion 1a:
Improved scores on Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) assessments and the California English Language Development Test (CELDT)
Performance Objective 1b:
Conduct a comprehensive review of the district’s special education services and prioritize areas for improvement.
Criterion 1b:
Contract with external reviewers (e.g. WestEd or other), conduct review of special education services, complete analysis of report by external reviewer, and identify priorities of need for improvement.
Goal #2:
Ensure that the district cultivates a caring and inclusive relationship with the community, engaging all families as active participants in student learning.
Performance Objective 2a:
Expand the Alisal Family Resource Center (AFRC), expand external partnerships, and examine family needs as AFRC grows.
Criterion 2a:
Build, staff and operate two additional AFRC “satellite” centers with increased participation and additional services (quantity & diversity).
Performance Objective 2b:
Increase parent involvement during the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) development/update process.
Criterion 2b:
Increased attendance/participation by parents at appropriate LCAP input sessions.
Goal #3:
Ensure that students be provided with a clean and safe learning environment that nurtures their potential to succeed.
Performance Objective 3a: 
Maintain updated and compliant (e.g. ADA, transgender, etc.) facilities, including pursuing opportunities for needed new construction (e.g. bond measure).
Criterion 3a:
Disseminate effective information on facilities’ needs, including the facilities master plan & bond Measure M.
Performance Objective 3b:
Participate in a variety of local partnership-building organizations in order to seek additional resources for the district (violence prevention, fire, police, non-profits, etc.).
Criterion 3b:
Attend Community Alliance for Safety and Peace (CASP), City/School Joint Communication, Monterey County Office of Education (MCOE) Superintendents’ Council, and other related meetings, as appropriate.